Sessions last one hour. Trauma sessions may last 90 minutes
Prices are per hour (concessions available for students and low income).
Corporate/Insurance rates: £100 per session.
Prices are for a 1.5 hour session. Costs may vary depending on group size. A facilitated reflective practice space for any professional group - eg health professionals, education, mental health organisations. Discounts for charities.
Sessions can be 1-2 hours depending on requirements
Prices vary depending on length of sessions and training requirements. Concessions are available to students.
Prices are for a 1.5 hour session. Costs may vary depending on group size.
Sessions last 1.5-3 hours with individual support offered after group session
Based on a half day. Costs will vary depending on group size, length of group session and number of individuals requiring follow-up support.
Based on a 90 minute session - may include psychometric measures
Full Psychological assessment, including formulation of difficulties, symptoms and their impact on quality of life. Report will also include treatment recommendations and will be produced to a professional standard.
Please contact me if price is a barrier - discounts are available in special circumstances